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About Us

Our Services



Strategic Support

Academy Consultancy and Design Ltd


Our specific industry knowledge and long standing association with head hunters, manufacturers and industry personnel has led us to offer a CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE for the search, selection and placement of key staff at the following levels:


•  Director and CEO
•  Senior Management

•  Technical Staff

•  Sales Management

•  Marketing Professionals

•  Field Technicians

Our knowledge of available staff and their abilities, combined with our insight and connections within the construction industry really make us stand our. We have an extensive database of contacts and information that has been accrued over the past 35 years specifically from the roofing, cladding, waterproofing and insulation sectors.

Our ethos when recruiting is to place the correct person in the position required, rather than the usual approach of sending poor quality candidates. In order to achieve this, we will select, interview and provide a short list of suitable candidates for the Client's final decision.

We have a flexible approach and will undertake a 'specific brief' in order to fully understand the Client's requirements. Depending on the situation, we can then advertise or approach our known candidates directly, with a staggered fee structure to allow this bespoke selection process to proceed with confidentiality for both client and applicant.

We operate with sensitivity and respect at all times and will never telephone individuals or make contact unless confirmed by agreement. We hold all details within our secure and ever-expanding database and communicate with all parties in a method and frequency that is pre-agreed.