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About Us
Our Services
Strategic Support
Academy Consultancy and Design Ltd
About us
The ethos of Academy Consultancy and Design is that of integrity and honesty
With over 30 years' experience in the industry we offer services in all types of property and construction issues and can provide our clients with peace of mind that they will receive expert and reliable advice when they need it.
We also offer services in contract dispute and advice regarding any significant design failures.
Academy Consultancy and Design can assist with development of contract specifications, schedules of defects and advise on any remedial solutions as required.
We can also assist in developing and providing repair specifications and also arrange for supervision of any remedial works.
We specialise in the preparation of remedial solutions and budget costings for all types of construction works.
Academy Design can also act as an expert witness during construction disputes.
Investigations can be carried out for both the Public and the Private sector.
We can carry out inspections
of the following systems:
We have experience of dealing with the following disciplines: